About Rodan Institute
Why Rodan?
Rodan Institute fosters the emerging cosmic religion of the future. And yet, we are inspired by a figure of the distant past. This person is Rodan of Alexandria, the distinguished ancient Greek philosopher who, according to The Urantia Book, became a direct disciple of Jesus. Paper 160 tells us that he traveled from Egypt to meet Jesus at his encampment, where he fully embracing the new gospel. We are also told that Rodan held extensive dialogues with several of the apostles and “harmonized” the new teachings with his sophisticated Greek philosophy. With amazement we also learn that, after Pentecost, Rodan sent pupils from Alexandria to Jerusalem to help launch the worldwide gospel movement. This great philosopher’s missionary work only ended when he was martyred in Athens during the height of the persecutions. Little wonder Rodan earned a special place in The Urantia Book, and now with our new Institute.
The figure of Rodan of Alexandria exemplifies the Institute’s intent to foster the cosmic religion of the future and all that implies for planetary progress. We envision and support creative ministries and targeted missions that draw deeply from the Urantia revelation as well as the mystical depths of Eastern Orthodox Christianity, which Rodan helped found. Through our various programs and projects, we aim to build upon Rodan’s gospel-infused philosophy of living in our effort to illumine the updated teachings of Jesus in the light of revealed cosmic realities.
To foster the advanced religion and sustainable civilization of the future, we especially embrace Rodan’s evangelistic impulse, his exemplary courage, and his lifework as a philosophic educator. Rodan synthesized the new gospel with the intellectual traditions of Greek civilization; we will promote and amplified the updated gospel in the context of our planetary civilization. We are laying a foundation so that future generations can build a peaceful and well-governed world, one that is socially sustainable far into the future. This entails journalistic, educational, scholarly, or media programs that support creative ministries and missions in a pluralistic setting. While our particular mission is inspired by The Urantia Book and Eastern Orthodox Christianity, we remain deeply appreciative of other wisdom traditions and receptive to extraterrestrial and celestial influences that may foster world transformation.